Translation of Poems from English to Sanskrit

Lyngva translates Indian animation pioneer and multiple National Award winner, Bhim Sain Khurana’s book “Beyond Paintings” with English poetry to Sanskrit. Bhim Sain Khurana was an Indian filmmaker and a pioneer of animation in the country. He gave the country classics like Gharaonda, Ek Anek Aur Ekta, and Dooriyaan and has won over 70 national and international awards for his work. During his art college days in Lucknow, Bhim Sain painted beautiful landscapes and sceneries including the enthralling Lucknow railway station. “Beyond Paintings” is a compilation of his best work in a coffee-table book with poetry by his daughter Ritika Khurana. This book is a tribute to Bhim Sain by his family and an attempt to preserve his withering paintings in digital and print format. The poems, originally written in English, needed to be translated to Sanskrit to bring out the essence of the paintings in a language that is considered the oldest in the world.

Poetry translation – much beyond mere language translation

Ritika, Bhim Sain’s daughter, penned in her poems the emotions and meaning she found in every stroke of her father’s paintings. It was as much an emotional journey for her as it was for her father. It was therefore important for the translator to connect with both the paintings and poems and bring out the essence of Ritika’s thoughts and not just the text.

An expert in Sanskrit language and literature

People are more interested in European and Asian languages today, a result of globalization. For this reason, though Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the world, it draws very few people to learn and use it on a daily basis. Ulatus has a large team of Sanskrit translators; however it was a necessary to find one who could also bring in the flair in his/her writing.


This project required a translation of poetry from English to Sanskrit. Hence it was important that we select a translator who not only had a proficiency in Sanskrit, but also who had the ability to translate poems without altering its essence. With a stringent linguist selection process and by sharing samples of different translators with Tehzeeb, we finalized the translator who was deemed an ideal fit for this assignment. Successfully translated all English Poetic Interpretations to Sanskrit while delivering superior quality and consistency throughout.

documents poetry translation
Social Media Translation


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